Claims for items and conditions listed under Exclusions in your Medical Plan Summary are not covered.
To submit a claim, you must complete all mandatory information. Incomplete submissions will not be processed.
Required documents for different claims: o General Practitioner/Dental/Op-cal: ▪ Official Receipt ▪ Itemized Bill (for bills above RM100) o Medical Examination (full health screening): ▪ Official Receipt ▪ Itemized Bill ▪ Approval Letter from HR or Doctor o Pharmacy: ▪ Official Receipt ▪ Prescription from doctor (except with Direct Access) o Specialist: ▪ Official Receipt ▪ Referral Letter for 1st 2me visit or Appointment Card for Follow up visit (except with Direct Access) ▪ Itemized Bill o Inpatient: ▪ Official Receipt ▪ Doctor’s Report ▪ Itemized Bill ▪ Discharge Summary
One claim submission is valid for one receipt only.
Claims are processed based on your company policy.
Submitting the same claim to multiple payers is strictly prohibited.
Medkad reserves the right to reject and take appropriate action against claims found to be fraudulent or submitted for duplicate reimbursement.
Claim processing typically takes 7-14 working days.